Pre-order! Meal Plan 1 – The Introduction

Stage 1 Meal Plan: The Introduction
Rooted Natural has put together three Stage 1 meal plans to guide the parent and the infant with a discovery of flavour and textures with ingredients from all five food groups. The Introduction is the first of the three plans, it will guide you through the first foods and steps of solids.
The introductory vegetable and fruit combinations can be given in 45g-60g portions the meal plan indicates different colour-coded pathways to follow, depending on appetite and time of introduction between 4 to 6 months. These portions increase to 60-90g and 90-120g respectively, as your baby’s appetite is also growing. The initial 90g portions and/or 120g portion are adviced to split into the smaller portions for the days of introduction.
A total of 33x 90g and 6x120g meals (39 pouches) then translate to 47 to 51 meals depending on portion given between 4 to 6 months + free Rooted Natural Cooler bag*
* as stock last
This meal plan includes 32 different foods and flavours that include the following:
Vegetables: butternut, carrot, sweet potato, beetroot, spinach, pea, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, cabbage, Babymarrow
Vegetable meals: Butternut & Carrot / Sweet Potato & Ginger / Beetroot Carrot & Cumin / Broccoli & Olive / Spinach, Cauli & Pea / Carrot Butternut Apple & Cinnamon / Turnip Red Cabbage & Apple
Fruits: pineapple, apple, pear, blueberry, banana, strawberry, orange
Fruit meals: Apple & Clove / Pear, Apple & Date / Blueberry & Banana / Pear, Strawberry & Orange / Pineapple Banana & Coconut
Legumes: Chickpeas
Plant-based meals: Sesame Carrot & Chickpea / Pea Babymarrow Avo & Mint
Fats, nuts & seeds: olive oil, avocado, coconut milk, sesame oil
Herbs & Spices: ginger, basil, mint, cumin, cinnamon
Allergens: dairy/nut - guidance to include , sesame included
Exposure to a variety of foods, taste and texture is advised at least three times, up to 15 times, to be accepted. Allergens are included towards the end of the meal plan and are best to give early in the day to monitor your baby’s reaction and tolerance.
VERY IMPORTANT: Please consult with your medical professional if there are any known allergies, symptoms or concerns before or when introducing a specific allergen.
Some of the fruit purees are slightly more runny than the veggie options.
Pre-order: products & items on pre-order may take 5-10 working days due the production schedules.
The food is produced in a kitchen where exposure to allergens such as fish, wheat, cow’s milk and nuts/seeds may occur.